Friday, August 1, 2008


OK, I need some help! If anyone has any suggestions, advice anything, I'll take it. I have about 2 weeks to pack an entire house. We have 16 suitcases. How do I pack and weigh while we still have to live? What is worth taking or what should I leave, what should I sale? I have friends that have had nervous breakdowns over clothes hangers, I handled that one yesterday - they are all staying here! One breakdown down and hopefully no more to go! My goal is to pack one suitcase a day and I did one yesterday, but it was everything I could think of we didn't need, today is going to be a struggle!?!


Unknown said...

It's a struggle - no doubt about it! I feel your pain! We just packed as much as we could, leaving out the vital necessities. A bag a day is a good idea. Just do it and as me, I think you will figure it out as you go along. Good luck!

mikepettengill said...

enjoy that...if you can.