I learned to quilt this was definitely a GOD thing. I lit
Another thing I have learned is Ants are our friends, we tried and tried to rid our house of them, but have learned to live with them and even enjoy their strength and resourcefulness.
I have learned there are lots of things you can do without and life goes on and you adjust. A/C - most of the time you don't need it here, but on those days you do, you just open more windows or turn on more fans.
Dishwasher - we do have Carla, and I feel very blessed to have her - the school ask all of the students to employ an empleada (maid) they use it as a outreach and have a bible study each week for them and it is great Spanish practice - she doesn't speak English! It is very inexpensive and she is here 3 days a week. But we still have 4 days and Damie has become a very good dishwasher and it has been good for him.
A Car! - This is a big one, but also a blessing! People drive crazy around here and there is no where to park. I have come to love riding the bus and it is nice to use a taxi on occasion. It is also nice not to have to worry about the crazy gas prices - over $5.00 here.
Wal-mart & Target & grocery stores - Oh this one hurt!! I didn't realize how much I was spoiled to hop in the car and go get whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. We have only purchased 5 or 6 pieces of clothing since we have been here and we are OK, we are all sick of the same 6 or 7 outfits we have worn for a year, but no worse for the wear - although the clothes are worse for the wear because of the other thing we lived without - A DRYER!! I love clothes hung out in the sun, they smell wonderful! But when the towels can stand up by themselves - free exfoliation!! The dilemma comes when it is rainy season - which is a lot of the time here - so you get used to having clothes hanging all over your house!
Toys - this kids have had the same toys and we only brought a few things. They have gotten things with grandparents came and 3 things each at Christmas, but they have learned to be happy with what they have or make some new things out of trash or empty boxes.
Now that it is time to go home we have to decide what to bring home only to pack and take to the DR and what to send to the DR. What do we need, what things are important? We have always been surrounded by STUFF (shay is a self confessed pack rat) and this year we have very few things and it is very freeing!
I hope none of this has sounded like complaining, I have loved my year here and wouldn't trade it for anything. Everything that seems like it would be hard has turned out to be better or a blessing. I have always like simple things, I like to experience things as they were meant to be, I don't like imitations, short cuts, fast food - yes they make life easier but you miss something, I feel cheated. This may sound silly, but this wraps up what I have learned in Costa Rica - Take the time to do something thoroughly, completely and you are rewarded by the process and the outcome. I think the more we can live like our grandparents did the happier, healthier and more content we will be.
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