Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jesse - 5 years old

I can't believe my baby boy is 5 years old! There's this little store close to us that has the best cinnamon rolls - so this was his birthday cake! He loves them! We will have another party in the states very soon!
Wasn't it just yesterday we got the call that we were going to have a 2 day old new born. We brought him home, all 5lbs of him and couldn't believe what a miracle he was! He was the perfect baby, slept well, ate well and always wanted his Mama(which I loved!) He has grown up so much this past year and I guess I need to accept the fact I no longer have a baby. I have a nickname for him that I am keeping even if he is growing up, Bundle. Every morning when he wakes up he comes to me with his blanket wrapped around him and I scoop him up and I started telling him he looked like a bundle and it stuck. When he is being diciplined and he isn't happy with me he'll say "I am not going to be your bundle anymore!" but moments later he is curled up in my lap. He has a smile that is contagious. Here in Costa Rica you don't see blonde hair much, so everyone that passes him has to touch his head! He also has a very tender heart! Usually 2 or 3 times a week the kids color me and Shay and anyone else they know pictures, so one day I colored some and gave Jesse one and he was so touched he got a tear in his eye and hugged me and said Thank you so much! I have my guesses, but I can't wait to see what God has in store for this little miracle! We are very blessed to have 3 miracles!
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday little man! Enjoy that cinnamon roll :-)