Friday, February 29, 2008

Creative Outlet

Shay has always encouraged me to find a hobby and I have tried a few things, but never found anything I really like, until now. There is a book store downtown San Jose that has some English books and yesterday they had a big sale. I found this watercolor painting set and it came with a how to book, paints, a brush and watercolor paper. So last night I tried my hand at it. It took a few steps, they have a picture and then a grid is over it so you can figure perspective. So you trace it onto the watercolor paper with a pencil then you paint it in layers, some of my layers were heavier than they were suppose to be. Being my first time I think it came out pretty good. There is a new student here that is an artist and he is going to do a class on watercolor. I know it looks like a 3 year did it, but I had fun and surely I will get better!


Unknown said...


It's beautiful!!!! And you said you couldn't imagine painting a wall? That's easy - just slap it on - all one color. I can't imagine painting a picture!!!! I'm so impressed!!!!!


Unknown said...

hay gwyn,
i lovee your piture!!!!! it is so cute!!!!! tell every one hello!!!


Unknown said...

Way to go girl!