Wednesday, February 20, 2008

God Speaks to little ones

Damie and I are studying the 7 wonders of the Ancient World and yesterday we studied about The Lighthouse of Alexandria. When we got through he said "Mama, do you ever feel like God is talking to you?" I said "Yes." He said I think God is telling me when I grow up I am suppose to go to Egypt and rebuild that lighthouse (it was destroyed by an earthquake around 1480). He told me three of four times that day, "Mama I really feel like I am suppose to build that lighthouse, do you think God is telling me that?" I told him anything was possible and he just needed to always keep his ears and heart open and God would tell him what to do. It amazes me that at such a young age that he is really thinking about the future. I hope he is always that quick to hear God's voice and respond! Tonight the kids were playing outside and Sierra comes running in and says, "Papa, come look there is something in the sky." So Shay went out it was the sun shinning through the clouds, we call it the Glory.
Jesse said, "No, Papa it is God talking to someone!" Mama said, "You could be right He is always talking to someone!"
I love seeing things through my kids eyes!

1 comment:

The McClain's said...

I miss you! I love reading your blog and it is inspiring to me and encouraging. I have so missed those moments with my kids. Ethan has said several times to me- "I never see you anymore, Mom."
I am so looking forward to being at home with them again and being able to teach them!

Thanks for your example!

Brooke :)