Friday, July 20, 2007

Meaningful activity breeds contentment and harmony.

Psalms 133:1 " pleasant, when brothers live together in harmony."

Harmony is the new watchword for our family. I've often prayed for a peaceful home, but peace without harmony is the recipe for a Cold War! America had peace with Russia but no harmony.
Gwyn said that harmony requires activity. You have to be singing or playing to create harmony. You also need focused direction. An orchestra while warming up has no direction and no harmony. However, when the director raises his baton there is harmony.
Our kids, and me too, thrive on structure. An organized environment filled with meaningful activity breeds contentment and harmony! Peter and his friends were sinking their boat and tearing their nets and despite the adversity they were in the middle of "meaningful activity" so they were happy and content. We must focus on the positives (fish) and not dwell on the negatives (sinking boat). The Lord made sure that there was another boat nearby to come and help Peter with the catch so he would not sink under the blessing.
Now comes the hard part! How do you fill your days with
"meaningful activity"?
I'll try to let you know when I find out.

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