Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I'm dreaming of a "wet" Christmas

We have no snow obviously, but the Lord did bless us with a rain cloud which cooled things down enough to at least make it feel like fall. I've pretty much been a scrooge most of my adult life. I've never liked to decorate and generally felt that a Christmas tree was a waste of money and time. However, this year with only finger painted Christmas trees above the sofa; I felt "Christmas". NO commercialism here just Jesus in the manger and my kids playing around me.


Unknown said...

Okay Scrooge, you need to write who is posting each post. The previous post is how much you love Christmas trees and now how much of a Scrooge you have been. Do I have to guess whose who? Bet I know!!! :-)

Unknown said...

Encore!! Encore!!! Miss you guys a LOT - see you soon! Erin